Heard of Hatch? It’s a monthly meet-up of creative, entrepreneurial women (a #girlboss network, if you’re into that). It’s not a snooze-fest networking event – more like a really good dinner party at your friend’s house where she invited all her interesting, driven friends you secretly follow on Twitter and Instagram. Hatch came to my attention this past fall, when I was vigorously googling unconventional women-in-business groups to find myself a bigger “tribe”, as they say.
It was a gruelingly boring process most of the time, attending networking events to scope out the scene, but I actually had fun and learned at Hatch. So I asked Jess, the co-founder, how Buster could help. And we found a way…
Next Wednesday, Buster is hosting Hatch’s last event of the season, a Q&A session on financial planning for creatives. It’s free, and smart, experienced people will explain things to you about money. If you’re thinking about starting your own venture in 2016, they’re things you need to know. So read all about it, RSVP, and come say hi while you’re here.
And if you, like me, are a woman looking to meet other powerhouse females in tech, business, and creative fields, or you’re someone who runs some kind of group for such women – let’s talk. We’re committed to opening our space and our team at Buster HQ to beautiful minds like these.

Postscript: After closing this successful season of events, Hatch is going to be quickly morphing into a new stage, focused on storytelling – Hatch Stories. Keep an eye on that. It promises to be worth watching.